Thursday 22 May 2014

Coup D'Ètat

If you've been keeping up with the news, I'm sure that you'll be aware of the current troubles in Bangkok regarding the government. Yesterday, the military seized power in a coup d'ètat after two days of martial law and have established the Orwellian sounding 'National Peace and Order Maintaining Council'.

So far, they have ceased all radio and TV broadcasting, both local and international and replaced it with the very fetching graphic below.

Thailand's current prime time show

A curfew has also been imposed across the whole country, stating that we all have to be home and in bed by 10am and not surface until 5am. They've even closed the schools. 

I'm always glad of an unscheduled holiday, but when that holiday involves having to sit at home twiddling my fingers in the drinking capital of South-East Asia, I'd choose good old democracy any day.